Membership is open to anyone who supports our aims.
We are currently (29/1/2020) looking into simplifying the membership application but for the moment we are bound by the constitution as it stands. It is not a simple process to change a constitution but we have started.
1. Download and print the Membership Application form
2. Hand the completed form to a member of the committee or else mail (or scan and email) the completed form to us – see the Contact Us page. (Don’t worry about the “nominated by” and “seconded by” sections if you can’t get anyone to sign for you – we can deal with that later if necessary.)
3. Pay the membership fee and any donation then or later. If you are not accepted as a member they will both be refunded if you wish.
4. The committee will consider your application and you will be notified of the decision as soon as possible.
You can support us by making a donation.
Bank of Us: BSB: 632001 Account No.: 100196866
Mt Roland Preservation Society Inc.
Please reference the payment with your name and contact us if you need a receipt.