100+ Questions we asked the proponents before the project was abandonded

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cableway - Basic Details

1. What would be the operating hours?
2. Would the cableway operate after dark?
3. Would it operate all year?
4. Would the cableway operate in all weathers?
5. Would its operation be restricted due to certain fire danger levels? What
would they be?
6. Would its operation be restricted due to day-to-day weather? If so which
factors (wind, temperature, precipitation) would trigger restriction / closure?
7. Would its operation be restricted due to forecast weather conditions? If so
which factors (wind, temperature, precipitation) would trigger restriction /
8. What are the estimated number of fully operational days per year?
9. What amount of public liability insurance would the operation carry?
10. How many staff would it take to operate the cable-way?
11. Are any special qualifications or training required by the staff? If so, what
are they?
12. Exactly where would the top station be located?
13. How far from the actual summit of Mt Roland would the top station be?
14. How would people get from the top station to the summit of Mt Roland?
How long would this take?
15. What is the span of viewing angle from the top station? How does this
compare with the actual summit?
16. Would there be a viewing platform at the top station or at any place on the
plateau of Mt Roland?
17. If there is a viewing platform what would it consist of ? Would it be
18. What facilities, if any, would be associated with such a viewing
platform/structure? Would it be illuminated?
19. If there is a viewing platform at or near the top station would people who
have not travelled on the cableway be allowed to access it.
20. Would there be board walks for passengers to walk on while on the plateau?
Would wheelchairs be able to access any such board walks? If any, would
non cable-way walkers be able to use these? Who would build and pay for
these board walks and their maintenance?
21. How much would it cost to ride the cableway?
22. Would there be any concession prices? If so, for whom and how much
would they be?
23. Would it be possible for a person to buy a one-way ticket only? If so, how
much would that be?

Visibility of cableway

24. Would it be possible to see the top station tower or any other infrastructure
from anywhere along Claude Rd or further afield?
25. Would the top station have any lighting on it at night?
26. Would the top station have an aircraft beacon light on it?
27. What colour would the gondolas be? Would they be reflective?
28. If the cableway operates at night would the gondolas be illuminated
29. Would the gondola windows reflect sunshine at certain angles?
30. What modification of vegetation (clearing, height reduction etc) under the
cableway would be required? How often would this be required?
31. How far out from the centreline of the cableway would this modification
32. What would become of the material removed as a result of any vegetation
modification? Left on site? Removed? To where?
33. What impact would any vegetation modification have on local wildlife?
34. How many gondolas would there be and what would their capacity be?
35. What is the maximum number of passengers capable of being delivered to
the top station per hour and per day?
36. Would there be a limit to the number of people who can be on the plateau at
anyone time?
37. How long is it envisioned that passengers would spend on the plateau?
38. How long would it take to travel from bottom station to top station?
39. Would the gondolas stop to load/unload?
40. Would there be age restrictions on passengers?
41. Would potential passengers in wheelchairs or walking frames be able or
allowed to board the gondolas
42. What equipment (if any) would passengers be permitted to carry?
43. Would there be a staff member supervising the unloading / loading at top
station and bottom station?
44. Would there be water / drinks / food / toilets / seating available at or near top
45. What waste disposal facilities (rubbish, sewerage, drainage) would there be
on the plateau?

Operational Safety

46. Would smoking be permitted in the cable cars?
47. Would smoking be permitted at the top station or on any viewing platform or
further afield on the plateau?
48. If there are restrictions on smoking how would people be prevented from
smoking when away from the cableway facilities?
49. What equipment and/or procedures would be in place on the plateau in the
event that a stray cigarette butt causes a fire to start.
50. What provisions would there be for fire fighting on the plateau?
51. What provisions would there be for securing the safety of passengers on the
plateau if the weather closes in unexpectedly?
52. What systems, procedures or facilities would be put in place if an emergency
evacuation of people on the plateau is required due to an approaching
53. Would passengers be encouraged or discouraged from walking away from
the top station? If they are encouraged to walk away, how far should they go?
54. What system(s) would be put in place to account for people (including
mountain bikers) venturing away from the top station to ensure that any
person who becomes lost or injured would be identified and appropriate
retrieval measures can be implemented.
55. What systems would be in place to ensure that all persons who return to the
top station after the departure of the last gondola would be able to get off the
mountain before nightfall?
56. What first-aid facilities would be provided at the top station?
57. What plans would be in place for rescuing a sick or injured passenger from
the plateau?
58. What plans would there be in place for transporting a sick or injured
passenger from the plateau to safety or medical help?
59. Would the cable-way have a back-up power supply in the event that mains
power is lost?
60. In the event of a breakdown would passengers still in gondolas be rescued or
removed? If so, how? If not, what onboard supplies would they have at their
61. In the event of an extended breakdown what would be the plan for
transporting passengers from the plateau?

Physical Impacts

62. Would there be a helipad on the plateau? Would there be any helicopter
access required to the mountain as a consequence of the proposal?
63. What exploratory work needs to be done before construction can begin?
64. What on-ground engineering testing (e.g. drilling) would be required and
how would the equipment to do that access the test sites.
65. How would construction materials and components be delivered to each
tower site?
66. What remediation would be put in place post construction?
67. What bio-security management plan would be in place to ensure no foreign
organisms (seeds, bacteria, viruses, vertebrates, invertebrates) are introduced
into the Mt Roland reserve and conservation area? How would these
measures be enforced?
68. What facilities or procedures would be put in place to eliminate damage to
native flora and fungi or disturbance to wildlife on the plateau?
69. How many towers would there be in total?
70. How many of these would be located on private land and how many on
public land?
71. How much land area would the operators be wanting to obtain a lease/license
72. Would this area include land underneath the cableway?
73. Would the public be excluded from any of the leased/licensed area?
74. What would be the height of the towers?
75. What ongoing access would be required to each tower site (in particular the
top station) for construction and ongoing maintenance?
76. What systems would be in place to ensure there is no escape of lubricants,
fuel or contaminants from any structures?

Access to cableway

77. Would potential passengers access the operation from Rysavy Rd or directly
from Claude Rd?
78. If access is from Rysavy Rd who would pay for the upgrade of the road? If
access is directly from Claude Rd who would pay for the new intersection and
road re-alignment?
79. How many car parking spaces would be provided at the bottom station?
80. Has a traffic management plan been completed?
81. How many vehicle movements would there be on a typical operating day?
82. How many vehicle movements would there be at peak period on peak days?
83. What would be the legal structure of the owners and/or operators of the
84. What provision would be in place to remove structures from public land and remediate the sites if the cable-way becomes non operative for whatever
reason? What sources of funding would be put aside or guaranteed for this?

cableway Maintenance

85. What ongoing maintenance would the cableway require?
86. Who would undertake the ongoing maintenance? What would their
qualifications be?
87. For how long each year would the system be non-operative due to being
shut down for scheduled testing and maintenance?
88. How often would the cable itself need to be replaced?
89. For how long and how often would the cableway be shut down for major
maintenance? Does the financial plan allow for this?
90. What allowance has been made in the operating budget for ongoing
91. How long a lease/license are the proponents asking for from Parks and

Studies and Consultation

92. What studies have been undertaken to assess the impact on native flora,
fauna and fungi? What were the results of these studies?
93. Has an endangered species audit been conducted for the Mt Roland Regional
Reserve and Conservation Area? What was the result?
94. What consultation has occurred between the proponents and representatives
of the Aboriginal community? What is the opinion of the Aboriginal
community regarding the proposal?


95. Does the EOI contain any suggestion of having a cafe, restaurant or
accommodation of any type on the plateau of Mt Roland? If it doesn’t, can
the proponents categorically guarantee that their organisation would never
apply for such facilities nor support others applying for such?
96. Does the EOI ask for any I.P protection or veto over the granting of approval
of any other EOI request for Mt Roland?


97. What food / drink / toilet / first-aid facilities would be located at the bottom
98. The proponents have stated that a coffee shop and/or restaurant would not be
established at or near the bottom station. Given that competition with other
businesses cannot form part of consideration for a Development Application
how can this be guaranteed?
99. Many locals are familiar with the iconic face on the Western end of Mt
Roland, viewable from as far away as Devonport. What impact would the
proposed cableway have on this?

Mountain Bike Tracks

100. What would be the total length of the proposed mountain bike tracks?
101. What distance of these tracks would be on the summit?
102. How would Mountain Bikers get from the top station to the start of bike
tracks? How far would this be?
103. Who would design / plan these tracks?
104. Would any of these tracks intersect with or impact upon any of the existing
walking trails on the mountain?
105. Who would construct these tracks?
106. How would they construct the tracks?
107. What equipment would they need to use during construction and
108. Who would maintain these tracks?
109. Who would pay for the a)design, b)construction c) maintenance of these
110. What level of public liability insurance would be carried for the mountain
bike tracks?
111. Would people who haven’t travelled on the cable-way be permitted to use
the mountain bike tracks?
112. Would there be an extra charge for using these tracks? If so, what would
that be?
113. Where would the entry and exit points for the tracks be?
114. Would all terrain vehicles be allowed on these tacks?
115. Would the operation of the mountain bike tracks impact in any way on the
running of the well established Triple Top Mountain Run?
116. Are there any plans or intentions for all terrain vehicle tracks on any part of
Mt Roland or its public land surrounds?
117. What bio-security management plan would be in place to ensure no foreign
organisms are introduced onto the Mt Roland area as a result of use of the
mountain bike tracks? How would these measures be enforced?
118. What facilities or procedures would be in place to eliminate damage to
native flora or fungi or disturbance to wildlife along the tracks due to the use
of mountain bikes?
119. If the proponents were to charge a fee for the use of the mountain bike
tracks would the “competitive neutrality” principal be inoked and force the
Kentish Council and Latrobe Council to introduce fees for the Wild Mersey
Mountain Bike Trail, currently operating free of charge?
(Background: KMC is on the verge of closing free camping at Kentish Park if
they are forced into collecting a fee for camping there under this state policy.)
120. If the proponents state this Govt policy would not be invoked how would
they propose that KMC would be exempted from it?

Other Proposed Activities

121. Have hang-gliding or paragliding professional groups been approached regarding this proposed activity from the mountain? What feedback did they offer?
122. Did they have any concerns regarding the proximity of the mountain to an
active private runway at Claude Rd?
123. What launch sites have been identified for hang-gliding and paragliding?
124. How far are these from the top station?
125. What facilities / infrastructure would be required at this site (or these sites)?
Who would pay for and maintain these?
126. What landing sites have been identified for hang-gliding and paragliding?
127. How would hang-gliders & paragliders transport their equipment from the top station to their launch site(s)?
128. Have rock climbing or abseiling professional groups been approached
regarding this proposed activity from the mountain? What feedback did they
129. What operational sites have been identified for this activity?
130. How far are these from the top station?
131. What facilities / infrastructure would be required at this site (or these sites)?
Who would pay for and maintain these?
132. Star gazing has been mentioned as another possible activity that would be
enabled by the cableway proposal. How, exactly, does cableway access to the
plateau enhance stargazing activity compared to anywhere else, say Round
Mountain look out for example or some other place in Kentish?
133. What operational sites have been identified for this activity?
134. What facilities or infrastructure would be required at this site (or these sites)? Who would pay for and maintain these?

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