Mt Roland Preservation Society came together early 2019, at the request of community members who were concerned about the integrity and beauty of Mt Roland. We became incorporated in August.
Because this natural treasure does belong to us all, including those of our ancient human history, our early settlers and their descendants, as well as to our grandchildren, and theirs beyond, we feel this overwhelming legacy is in our hands. Many in our local community, and from further afield (including adult children who grew up in the area feeling the mountain as a symbol of home) are concerned about the visual effects upon it of a proposed cableway, the consequences of associated mountain bike trails, and of people in their thousands accessing the summit.
We feel all this would form a very deep cost for us all, even from perhaps an initially-intended well-meant project.
Till now, little detail of the proposal’s plans has seemed to be made available for the community.
Since our inception, we have been approached by so many, from young families to very senior members of the community, who are deeply saddened by the prospect of having to sacrifice the wholeness of our North-West treasure. We do want as many visitors as possible to enjoy our mountain, but we sincerely believe it’s completeness constitutes its unique sacred majesty.